kudis tekanan adalah kawasan kulit dan / atau tisu yang tercedera. Ia disebabkan posisi duduk atau baring yang terlalu lama dan mengakibatkan pengurangan darah ke kawasan tersebut.
Faktor Risiko:
→ Pengurangan pergerakan akibat angin ahmar dan penyakit parkinson
→ Pengurangan sensasi kulit seperti penyakit diabetes
→ Pengurangan pengaliran darah ke bahagian kaki
→ Kurang zat makanan dan dehidrasi
→ Ada beberapa tahap keterukan kudis. Ia boleh melibatkan kemerahan kulit sahaja sehingga kehilangan keseluruhan lapisan kulit dengan kerosakan tulang.
→ Biasanya berlaku di kawasan seperti punggung (pinggul dan bagaian dibawah belakang) (kaki, lutut, tumit,jari kaki) dan tulang belikat dibahu.
→ Jangkitan
→ Kesakitan
→ Penjagaan kudis melalui pencucian yang sempurna
→ Merawat jangkitan kuman
- Langkah mengurangkan tekanan ke atas kulit seperti
→ Kerap mengalihkan posisi pesakit
→ Penggunaan peralatan untuk mengurangkan tekanan.
→ Memastikan kawalan kesaitan yang mencukupi
→ Memastikan pemakanan yang seimbang dan mencukupi
Bagi mereka yang mengalami risiko yang tinggi
→ Elakkan tekanan yang berpanjangan pada bahagian badan yang berisiko
→ Langkah mengurangkan tekanan ke atas kulit seperti
- Kerap mengalihkan posisi pesakit
- Pengguaan peralatan untuk mengurangkan tekanan
- Kulit perlu selalu diperiksa dan pastikan sentiasa bersih dan kering
- Memastikan pengambilan cecair dan pemakanan yang mencukupi
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
Monday, 5 June 2017
How to help someone use a bedpan or a urinal
What you need to know
What are bedpans and urinals?
Bedpans and urinals are devices that allow people to have a bowel movement or urinate while they are in bed. A man uses a bedpan for a bowel movement but may prefer a urinal when he urinates. Women usually use a bedpan for bowel movements and urinating.
Why does a person need to use a bedpan or urinal?
A person may need to use a bedpan or urinal because he cannot walk to the bathroom, He may have an illness, injury or surgery that make him unable to walk. A person should regularly urinate and have bowel movements to help prevent other health problems from occurring. There may be only a small amount of time between the urge to urinate and urination. The caregiver must be quick to respond to the toileting needs of the person in bed.
What kind of bedpans and urinals are there?
There are several different kind of bedpans and urinals available. Some are metal and other are hard plastic. There are bedpans for people who cannot raise their hips. This may include people in body cast or with hip fractures. Some urinals are made for men and other are made for women. Some urinals are reusable and other are thrown away after each use. You can buy bedpans and urinals at medical supply. You may also be able to take home the bedpans and urinal from the hospital.
How do i get ready to help a person use a bedpan?
Gather you supplies:
→ A basin with warm water
→ Disposable gloves
→ Toilet paper
→ Towels
→ Wash cloths or wet wipes
→ Run warm water over the bedpan and dry it. A metal bedpan retains heat, So check to make sure it is not too hot before putting it under the person.
→ Sprinkle baby on the edge of the bedpan to make it easier to slide under the person.
How do i help a person who can raise his buttocks to use a bedpan?
→ Put on disposable gloves.
→ Place a waterproof pad under the person's buttocks to protect the bed from spills.
→ Raise the head of the bed a little if it is allowed by the healthcare provider.
→ Support the lower back of the person with you other hand, place the curved edge of the bedpan under the buttocks of the person.
→ Raise the head of the bed until the person is in sitting position, Sitting upright makes having a bowel movement or urinating easier.
→ Give the person privacy if possible.If the person is weak do not leave him alone.
→ When the person is done, lower the head o
What are bedpans and urinals?
Bedpans and urinals are devices that allow people to have a bowel movement or urinate while they are in bed. A man uses a bedpan for a bowel movement but may prefer a urinal when he urinates. Women usually use a bedpan for bowel movements and urinating.
Why does a person need to use a bedpan or urinal?
A person may need to use a bedpan or urinal because he cannot walk to the bathroom, He may have an illness, injury or surgery that make him unable to walk. A person should regularly urinate and have bowel movements to help prevent other health problems from occurring. There may be only a small amount of time between the urge to urinate and urination. The caregiver must be quick to respond to the toileting needs of the person in bed.
What kind of bedpans and urinals are there?
There are several different kind of bedpans and urinals available. Some are metal and other are hard plastic. There are bedpans for people who cannot raise their hips. This may include people in body cast or with hip fractures. Some urinals are made for men and other are made for women. Some urinals are reusable and other are thrown away after each use. You can buy bedpans and urinals at medical supply. You may also be able to take home the bedpans and urinal from the hospital.
How do i get ready to help a person use a bedpan?
Gather you supplies:
→ A basin with warm water
→ Disposable gloves
→ Toilet paper
→ Towels
→ Wash cloths or wet wipes
→ Run warm water over the bedpan and dry it. A metal bedpan retains heat, So check to make sure it is not too hot before putting it under the person.
→ Sprinkle baby on the edge of the bedpan to make it easier to slide under the person.
How do i help a person who can raise his buttocks to use a bedpan?
→ Put on disposable gloves.
→ Place a waterproof pad under the person's buttocks to protect the bed from spills.
→ Raise the head of the bed a little if it is allowed by the healthcare provider.
→ Support the lower back of the person with you other hand, place the curved edge of the bedpan under the buttocks of the person.
→ Raise the head of the bed until the person is in sitting position, Sitting upright makes having a bowel movement or urinating easier.
→ Give the person privacy if possible.If the person is weak do not leave him alone.
→ When the person is done, lower the head o
how to read a digital thermometer for fever
IF you thing you or you child may have a fever, you need to check you temperature. If you do need to call the doctor. he will need to know how high you fever. So be sure you know how to check it the right way. After all there are several different type of thermometers and it is easier to get it wrong than you may think.
Type of thermometers
→ Oral - digital or manual
→ Rectal - digital or manual
→ Axillary - digital or manual
→ Tympanic - digital, takes temperature in the ear
→ Temporal - digital, takes temperature on forehead
Checking the temperature
If you using s digital thermometer, simply press the button to turn it on.
→ Oral - place under tongue wait until the digital thermometer beeps or approximately 5 minutes for a manual thermometer, Remember not to take an oral temperature right after eating or drinking something because it will alter the result. It's also important to keep you mouth closed the entire time.
→ Axillary - place under the arm with the tip in the deepest crease, Wait until the digital thermometer beeps or approximately 5 minutes for a manual thermometer.
→ Rectal - use lubrication such as petroleum jelly place tip in the rectum (opening in the bottom) wait until the digital thermometer beeps or approximately 5 minutes for a manual thermometer, This method should be used for infants or those whose temperature cannot be taken any other way.
→ Tympanic - pull the top earlobe up and back, place tip (covered with probe cover) in ear canal opening, press button until it beeps Be sure you are pointing the probe into the ear canal opening and not at the ear, this can result in incorrect result. Tympanic thermometers can be difficult to use on babies and are often inaccurate because their ear canals are so mall.
→ Temporal - press button down and sweep probe across forehead this is fairly new technology but seems to be relatively accurate and very quick and easy to use. Be sure to read the instruction for your device- some require a swipe across the forehead and on the neck below the ear.
Do you need a thermometer ? Can't decide which kind to get? check you options.
Digital oral , axillary or rectal
Digital thermometers are a great option. They are very inexpensive and much quicker and easier.
Tympanic ear thermometer
The are very popular, especially among parents of small children.They are faster that know that the result may not accurate if the child has an ear infection.
Temporal seam thermometer
The newest and most expensive thermometer on the market. These are the quickest (they only take 1-2 second) and probably the easiest to use. In my experience they have been very accurate but some people find they read too low at time.
Now that you know how to take an accurate temperature, you will be ready next time you or you child has a fever.
May people get fevers when they get sick. They make us feel worn down, achy and tired. At the first sign of a high temperature you might feel compelled to whip out a thermometer and worry about how high the fever might get. But do you know what a fever is and why it occurs ? Is it really something to be worried about at all?
The "NORMAL" body temperature is 37.00 Degrees Celsius.
What Causes Fevers?
Most often fevers are caused by infection. The immune system responds to foreign germs that are trying to make the body sick by raising the body temperature, Which make it harder for the germs to survive, Other cause of fevers include.
- Cancer
- Heat exhausting (hyperthermia)
- Side effects of certain medication
- Autoimmune disorders and disease
- Overdressing (common with infants that are wrapped in blankets or to much clothing )
How to check you temperature
There are many ways to check the body temperature. The result different methods deliver vary by about a degree depending upon the part of the body that you are testing, But whatever method you use, you will still get you a good general idea of you temperature,
The most commonly used thermometers check temperature orally. Tyrannically (in the ear), temporally (on the forehead or temple) or rectally. Learn more about how to check a temperature the right way.
When you should be concerned
Lost of people worry about a fever and how it will affect the body. Everybody wants to know, How high is too high?
Its an understandable concern because of how terrible fevers make us feel. The answer, unfortunately is not a single number. For most people fevers are going hurt us and we don't need to be concerned about the number on the thermometer.
There are some exceptions, though. Young babied should get medical attention for temperatures at certain points. However it is not because the fever will hurt them. It is because fevers are so rare in young infants that they are usually caused by very serious and often life- threatening illnesses. If you have a baby , there are the temperatures you need watch for.
→ Infants under 3 months old : Any temperature over 37.00 Degree call your doctor or seek medical attention right away.
→ 3 months to 3 years : Any temperature over 37.00 degree Fahrenheit call you doctor and ask if an appointment is necessary
With kids its always important to look how they are behaving when they have a fever. It the thermometer says 102, but they are running around playing and acting normally its okay to let them with a fever reducing medication.
If that doesn't help them feel better seek medical attention.
When to fevers
If you have a fever and you feel terrible it is okay to take a fever reducing medication to help bring it down. The same goes for children if you are treating a child with a fever, there are a few important things to keep in mind:
→ Never give a child under 18 year old aspirin - event baby aspirin. It can cause a serious illness.
→ Children under 6 months old should not take.
→ Children under 2 months old should not given any type of fever reducing medication.
→ Never put a child or anyone else in a ice or alcohol bath to bring down the fever. This is unnecessary and it can dangerous making the body temperature drop too quickly.
In general fevers aren't reason for concern. They are the body way of fighting off infection. When you look at them that way. Instead of as a reason worry, It is much easier to decide when you should call you doctor, When you should treat it yourself and when you should just leave it alone.
IF you thing you or you child may have a fever, you need to check you temperature. If you do need to call the doctor. he will need to know how high you fever. So be sure you know how to check it the right way. After all there are several different type of thermometers and it is easier to get it wrong than you may think.
Type of thermometers
→ Oral - digital or manual
→ Rectal - digital or manual
→ Axillary - digital or manual
→ Tympanic - digital, takes temperature in the ear
→ Temporal - digital, takes temperature on forehead
Checking the temperature
If you using s digital thermometer, simply press the button to turn it on.
→ Oral - place under tongue wait until the digital thermometer beeps or approximately 5 minutes for a manual thermometer, Remember not to take an oral temperature right after eating or drinking something because it will alter the result. It's also important to keep you mouth closed the entire time.
→ Axillary - place under the arm with the tip in the deepest crease, Wait until the digital thermometer beeps or approximately 5 minutes for a manual thermometer.
→ Rectal - use lubrication such as petroleum jelly place tip in the rectum (opening in the bottom) wait until the digital thermometer beeps or approximately 5 minutes for a manual thermometer, This method should be used for infants or those whose temperature cannot be taken any other way.
→ Tympanic - pull the top earlobe up and back, place tip (covered with probe cover) in ear canal opening, press button until it beeps Be sure you are pointing the probe into the ear canal opening and not at the ear, this can result in incorrect result. Tympanic thermometers can be difficult to use on babies and are often inaccurate because their ear canals are so mall.
→ Temporal - press button down and sweep probe across forehead this is fairly new technology but seems to be relatively accurate and very quick and easy to use. Be sure to read the instruction for your device- some require a swipe across the forehead and on the neck below the ear.
Do you need a thermometer ? Can't decide which kind to get? check you options.
Digital oral , axillary or rectal
Digital thermometers are a great option. They are very inexpensive and much quicker and easier.
Tympanic ear thermometer
The are very popular, especially among parents of small children.They are faster that know that the result may not accurate if the child has an ear infection.
Temporal seam thermometer
The newest and most expensive thermometer on the market. These are the quickest (they only take 1-2 second) and probably the easiest to use. In my experience they have been very accurate but some people find they read too low at time.
Now that you know how to take an accurate temperature, you will be ready next time you or you child has a fever.
May people get fevers when they get sick. They make us feel worn down, achy and tired. At the first sign of a high temperature you might feel compelled to whip out a thermometer and worry about how high the fever might get. But do you know what a fever is and why it occurs ? Is it really something to be worried about at all?
The "NORMAL" body temperature is 37.00 Degrees Celsius.
What Causes Fevers?
Most often fevers are caused by infection. The immune system responds to foreign germs that are trying to make the body sick by raising the body temperature, Which make it harder for the germs to survive, Other cause of fevers include.
- Cancer
- Heat exhausting (hyperthermia)
- Side effects of certain medication
- Autoimmune disorders and disease
- Overdressing (common with infants that are wrapped in blankets or to much clothing )
How to check you temperature
There are many ways to check the body temperature. The result different methods deliver vary by about a degree depending upon the part of the body that you are testing, But whatever method you use, you will still get you a good general idea of you temperature,
The most commonly used thermometers check temperature orally. Tyrannically (in the ear), temporally (on the forehead or temple) or rectally. Learn more about how to check a temperature the right way.
When you should be concerned
Lost of people worry about a fever and how it will affect the body. Everybody wants to know, How high is too high?
Its an understandable concern because of how terrible fevers make us feel. The answer, unfortunately is not a single number. For most people fevers are going hurt us and we don't need to be concerned about the number on the thermometer.
There are some exceptions, though. Young babied should get medical attention for temperatures at certain points. However it is not because the fever will hurt them. It is because fevers are so rare in young infants that they are usually caused by very serious and often life- threatening illnesses. If you have a baby , there are the temperatures you need watch for.
→ Infants under 3 months old : Any temperature over 37.00 Degree call your doctor or seek medical attention right away.
→ 3 months to 3 years : Any temperature over 37.00 degree Fahrenheit call you doctor and ask if an appointment is necessary
With kids its always important to look how they are behaving when they have a fever. It the thermometer says 102, but they are running around playing and acting normally its okay to let them with a fever reducing medication.
If that doesn't help them feel better seek medical attention.
When to fevers
If you have a fever and you feel terrible it is okay to take a fever reducing medication to help bring it down. The same goes for children if you are treating a child with a fever, there are a few important things to keep in mind:
→ Never give a child under 18 year old aspirin - event baby aspirin. It can cause a serious illness.
→ Children under 6 months old should not take.
→ Children under 2 months old should not given any type of fever reducing medication.
→ Never put a child or anyone else in a ice or alcohol bath to bring down the fever. This is unnecessary and it can dangerous making the body temperature drop too quickly.
In general fevers aren't reason for concern. They are the body way of fighting off infection. When you look at them that way. Instead of as a reason worry, It is much easier to decide when you should call you doctor, When you should treat it yourself and when you should just leave it alone.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
An abdominal binder is a special compression garment that you wear around you midsection. You may be wondering why you would need to wear an abdominal binder after having a baby.
The reasons for wearing an abdominal binder are typically related to surgery or childbirth- or sometimes both, Maybe it seems like putting extra pressure on you belly might even hurt.
On the contrary is a common technique used used to speed healing, Often after surgery or after an injury like a sprained ankle. Compression offers support to the are that is healing. Compression also increases blood flow and reduces swelling both of which are key components of the healing process.
An abdominal binder is meant to be quite tight- though not so tight that you can't breathe or sit comfortably. some abdominal binders are simple swaths of thick fabric that you wrap around you belly area. securing the wrap with Velcro or a series of snaps. Other binders are more like a bodysuit that you step into and pull up around you midsection.
The purpose of an abdominal binder it to promote healing though compression. During pregnancy, you baby take up an amazing amount of space inside you body. You abdominal muscles are stretched to their limit, and you lower back muscles must compensate for the shift in you center of gravity. The growing baby pushes you internal organs out of the way as he grows and grow. By the of your heart. As anyone who has had a baby know , it takes some time before you return to your per-pregnancy shape.
When your baby is born , she leaves behind an empty uterus - and it takes approximately six weeks for this organ to shrink back to its normal size. Likewise you organs do not immediately return to their per-pregnancy location , either. An abdominal binder, however can speed this process along.
Wearing an abdominal binder as soon as possible after childbirth- no matter if you delivered vaginally or with a c section works wonders for you healing process.
You should feel like you lower back is supported even though you abdominal muscles are not yet able to do this job on their own. The compression along with the natural after- birth contraction that you have pushes you uterus from the outside in, helping it find its per-pregnancy shape and location. The same is true for you other abdominal organs, compression can help you stomach and intestines drop back into their previous position.
Binding you abdomen can also remind you abdominal muscles how to behave.
Though you may not be consciously tightening you abs, the compression help them snap back from being stretched to accommodate you baby.
Wearing a compression garment will help your incision heal faster, too because compression will increase blood flow to that are and help reduce the swelling around your incision.
if you had a c section, an abdominal binder is a must for you healing process.Compression over you incision will help reduce the pain that many women feel when they laugh, cry or even roll over in bed. Most people would agree that managing you pain without the use of narcotic medication is better for you health and that of your baby.
Best postpartum girdle features
There are so many option for abdominal binder on the market today. The best postpartum girdles offer the following features :
→ A combination of comfort and support - Breathable fabric is a must, especially since you will be wearing it for hours at a time
→ The right abdominal binder should also be easy to use - Using the bathroom should't be a mission.
→ Reinforced panels in the front and back - Of the garment to support the pressure point in you mid section as you heal
→ A snug fit - That ensure that the garment will not slip off, even as you care for you new baby and resume your normal daily activities.
A hook and eye closure makes it easy to use the restroom without having to take entire garment off, You can put it on when you get out of bed in the morning and not think about it again until you take it off at night. In fact many women choose to wear the binder 24 house a day - even while sleeping to receive the maximum benefit from abdominal compression.
At first glance an abdominal binder may seem like an unnecessary expense for postpartum women. But the result you will see make the investment in your body and you health work every penny.
The reasons for wearing an abdominal binder are typically related to surgery or childbirth- or sometimes both, Maybe it seems like putting extra pressure on you belly might even hurt.
On the contrary is a common technique used used to speed healing, Often after surgery or after an injury like a sprained ankle. Compression offers support to the are that is healing. Compression also increases blood flow and reduces swelling both of which are key components of the healing process.
An abdominal binder is meant to be quite tight- though not so tight that you can't breathe or sit comfortably. some abdominal binders are simple swaths of thick fabric that you wrap around you belly area. securing the wrap with Velcro or a series of snaps. Other binders are more like a bodysuit that you step into and pull up around you midsection.
The purpose of an abdominal binder it to promote healing though compression. During pregnancy, you baby take up an amazing amount of space inside you body. You abdominal muscles are stretched to their limit, and you lower back muscles must compensate for the shift in you center of gravity. The growing baby pushes you internal organs out of the way as he grows and grow. By the of your heart. As anyone who has had a baby know , it takes some time before you return to your per-pregnancy shape.
When your baby is born , she leaves behind an empty uterus - and it takes approximately six weeks for this organ to shrink back to its normal size. Likewise you organs do not immediately return to their per-pregnancy location , either. An abdominal binder, however can speed this process along.
Wearing an abdominal binder as soon as possible after childbirth- no matter if you delivered vaginally or with a c section works wonders for you healing process.
You should feel like you lower back is supported even though you abdominal muscles are not yet able to do this job on their own. The compression along with the natural after- birth contraction that you have pushes you uterus from the outside in, helping it find its per-pregnancy shape and location. The same is true for you other abdominal organs, compression can help you stomach and intestines drop back into their previous position.
Binding you abdomen can also remind you abdominal muscles how to behave.
Though you may not be consciously tightening you abs, the compression help them snap back from being stretched to accommodate you baby.
Wearing a compression garment will help your incision heal faster, too because compression will increase blood flow to that are and help reduce the swelling around your incision.
if you had a c section, an abdominal binder is a must for you healing process.Compression over you incision will help reduce the pain that many women feel when they laugh, cry or even roll over in bed. Most people would agree that managing you pain without the use of narcotic medication is better for you health and that of your baby.
Best postpartum girdle features
There are so many option for abdominal binder on the market today. The best postpartum girdles offer the following features :
→ A combination of comfort and support - Breathable fabric is a must, especially since you will be wearing it for hours at a time
→ The right abdominal binder should also be easy to use - Using the bathroom should't be a mission.
→ Reinforced panels in the front and back - Of the garment to support the pressure point in you mid section as you heal
→ A snug fit - That ensure that the garment will not slip off, even as you care for you new baby and resume your normal daily activities.
A hook and eye closure makes it easy to use the restroom without having to take entire garment off, You can put it on when you get out of bed in the morning and not think about it again until you take it off at night. In fact many women choose to wear the binder 24 house a day - even while sleeping to receive the maximum benefit from abdominal compression.
At first glance an abdominal binder may seem like an unnecessary expense for postpartum women. But the result you will see make the investment in your body and you health work every penny.
Sitting for long periods can cause lower back pain
A lumber support cushion may help you manage back pain and ease some of your symptoms. Do you have a job that involves lots of sitting? If so you probably have experienced some lower back pain as the day has gone on. There are many different lumber pillows on the market - Plenty of chose for you. First though, I will explain a little about why a lumber support can help and highlight some things to think about before you buy one.
May of us have lifestyles and jobs that require us to spend long, concentrated periods of time sitting. Office chair are very rarely supportive of the lower back and may of us fail to take regular frequent breaks. As a result the lower back is subjected to stresses and strains that eventually cause discomfort.
The story is hear most often is this:
➙ At the beginning of the day the problem is not so bad.
➙ As the day goes on you start to fidget.
➙ You become aware of soreness.
➙ This soreness worsens to a significant back ache.
➙ The day ends and you go home and relax and it feels better.
➙ The same pattern is repeated the next day.
The symptoms may have first started years ago as just a mild irritation but longer the problem goes on the more uncomfortable it gets.Sometimes you can't event get comfortable in the evenings either.
The reason this happens is to with the stress and strains we are putting though our lumber spines in these prolonged positions. If you do not use a lumber support cushion or if the chair you use has no decent low back support then you will sit in a more flexed position.
The effect of prolonged sitting - creep - Pain
Lumber support cushions can prevent back pain when sitting your spine is a nice strong solid structure made up of vertebrae separated from one another by large muscles and ligaments. When we are on the move this system is wonderfully strong and supportive. The trouble begins when we start applying prolonged low loads to the system.
By sitting in a flexed position you cause the ligaments at the back of the spine to be put on a gentle stretch. They resist this movement for a while but after time they begin to lengthen, the technical term for this is creep, which is a great way to describe it as the pain does creep up on you. This creep continues causing stresses to the lower back tissues, the muscles fatigue and you start to get pain. If you move and relieve the tension the ligaments recover a little and that makes it easier to continue. However in the laboratory studies have found that it takes about 7 hour for the creep to disappear and the tissues to regain their normal properties.
A lumbar support cushion can reduce flexion stresses
The answer is to used a lumbar support cushion which sits in the small of you back. This physically prevents you from sitting in a slumped position and stop the prolonged flexion stresses. This helps reduce ligament creep and can significantly relieve low back pain from sitting.
There are variety of different lumbar support products on the market. The most common are mounded pillows or cushions which sit in the small of you back. In the curve called the lordosis.
The other type are rolls or D shaped supports that do the same thing.
➙ This is type of lumber support cushion that sits in the chair and creates a good low back support to prevent sagging. Advantages are they are robust, disadvantages are they are they are less spongy that rolls and they may not fit all seats, especially seats that that have mounded sides such as sports car seats. Good for office chairs and nice and sturdy.
➙ Do you need an inflatable lumber support? If you travel a lot or find it uncomfortable sitting when you are out this may be the answer. See the choice of nice light inflatable lumber support and rolls on offer.
The choice of which type of lumber support cushion depends on several factors:
➙ Your posture - If you have a deep lumber curve then you may need a deeper or fatter lumber support cushion. If you have a more flat back posture then you will need a shallower posture support.
➙ Your chair - If you chair is very ' bucket shaped' or curved you may be better off trying a more substantial rigid lumbar backrest (if you can't replace the chair that is). This will prevent you sagging backwards into the seat. A regular lumbar roll or pillow may not offer enough support of the chair is very relaxed and has very poor lower back support.
➙ Which chair - you may need a different lumbar support cushion for different chair. Don't just assume it's the office chair that's problem. I regularly meet people who get up, sit for breakfast drive to work. Sit all day a desk drive, home sit for dinner sit on sofa watching TV, go to bed. Nearly their whole walking life is spent in a flexed position. Look after you sitting posture wherever you are.
➙ How much you get up - I have found from my own experience that if you get up and down a lot its annoying when the roll, falls off the chair. You may want one with a fastening that goes around the chair back.
➙ Do you share - If you share you need a portable lumber support cushion that you can carry around with you.
➙ Personal comfort - The theory is all very well and good but we all have different preferences. Out bodies are different shapes and size and its impossible to predict what will work for everyone. Experiment and don't be afraid to break the rules to get something comfortable.
Key point when choosing a lumbar support cushion
➙ Experiment try different shapes and size until you are happy.
➙ Have several supports in different places so that you can take care of you lower back at home and at work.
➙ Try a towel for size first - roll a towel up and use that. Try a fatter or a thinner towel ad adjust. Soon you will guide you to the right lumbar support cushion purchase.
Lower back pain relief when sitting is not just about lower back posture
When i discuss this problem with my patients i explain that this type of postural back pain is caused by us exposing our lower back to stresses and strains that after a while it cant cope with. I usually approach the problem by first looking to remove some of the stresses by using a lumbar support but i also want them to think about ways they can make their spine better able to cope with the stresses put upon it.
So here are some other thing to think about if you have back pain when sitting :
➙ Take regular breaks - Get up every hour and move about. Walk around make a coffee, take a short walk. Take the pressure off your back.
➙ Set timers - You will forget to get up, most people do.You get engrossed in job and before you know it 2 hour have gone.
➙ Stretch in the office - Get your spine moving in the opposite direction with an extension stretch - instructions for this lower back pain stretching exercise here.
A lumber support cushion may help you manage back pain and ease some of your symptoms. Do you have a job that involves lots of sitting? If so you probably have experienced some lower back pain as the day has gone on. There are many different lumber pillows on the market - Plenty of chose for you. First though, I will explain a little about why a lumber support can help and highlight some things to think about before you buy one.
May of us have lifestyles and jobs that require us to spend long, concentrated periods of time sitting. Office chair are very rarely supportive of the lower back and may of us fail to take regular frequent breaks. As a result the lower back is subjected to stresses and strains that eventually cause discomfort.
The story is hear most often is this:
➙ At the beginning of the day the problem is not so bad.
➙ As the day goes on you start to fidget.
➙ You become aware of soreness.
➙ This soreness worsens to a significant back ache.
➙ The day ends and you go home and relax and it feels better.
➙ The same pattern is repeated the next day.
The symptoms may have first started years ago as just a mild irritation but longer the problem goes on the more uncomfortable it gets.Sometimes you can't event get comfortable in the evenings either.
The reason this happens is to with the stress and strains we are putting though our lumber spines in these prolonged positions. If you do not use a lumber support cushion or if the chair you use has no decent low back support then you will sit in a more flexed position.
The effect of prolonged sitting - creep - Pain
Lumber support cushions can prevent back pain when sitting your spine is a nice strong solid structure made up of vertebrae separated from one another by large muscles and ligaments. When we are on the move this system is wonderfully strong and supportive. The trouble begins when we start applying prolonged low loads to the system.
By sitting in a flexed position you cause the ligaments at the back of the spine to be put on a gentle stretch. They resist this movement for a while but after time they begin to lengthen, the technical term for this is creep, which is a great way to describe it as the pain does creep up on you. This creep continues causing stresses to the lower back tissues, the muscles fatigue and you start to get pain. If you move and relieve the tension the ligaments recover a little and that makes it easier to continue. However in the laboratory studies have found that it takes about 7 hour for the creep to disappear and the tissues to regain their normal properties.
A lumbar support cushion can reduce flexion stresses
The answer is to used a lumbar support cushion which sits in the small of you back. This physically prevents you from sitting in a slumped position and stop the prolonged flexion stresses. This helps reduce ligament creep and can significantly relieve low back pain from sitting.
There are variety of different lumbar support products on the market. The most common are mounded pillows or cushions which sit in the small of you back. In the curve called the lordosis.
The other type are rolls or D shaped supports that do the same thing.
➙ This is type of lumber support cushion that sits in the chair and creates a good low back support to prevent sagging. Advantages are they are robust, disadvantages are they are they are less spongy that rolls and they may not fit all seats, especially seats that that have mounded sides such as sports car seats. Good for office chairs and nice and sturdy.
➙ Do you need an inflatable lumber support? If you travel a lot or find it uncomfortable sitting when you are out this may be the answer. See the choice of nice light inflatable lumber support and rolls on offer.
The choice of which type of lumber support cushion depends on several factors:
➙ Your posture - If you have a deep lumber curve then you may need a deeper or fatter lumber support cushion. If you have a more flat back posture then you will need a shallower posture support.
➙ Your chair - If you chair is very ' bucket shaped' or curved you may be better off trying a more substantial rigid lumbar backrest (if you can't replace the chair that is). This will prevent you sagging backwards into the seat. A regular lumbar roll or pillow may not offer enough support of the chair is very relaxed and has very poor lower back support.
➙ Which chair - you may need a different lumbar support cushion for different chair. Don't just assume it's the office chair that's problem. I regularly meet people who get up, sit for breakfast drive to work. Sit all day a desk drive, home sit for dinner sit on sofa watching TV, go to bed. Nearly their whole walking life is spent in a flexed position. Look after you sitting posture wherever you are.
➙ How much you get up - I have found from my own experience that if you get up and down a lot its annoying when the roll, falls off the chair. You may want one with a fastening that goes around the chair back.
➙ Do you share - If you share you need a portable lumber support cushion that you can carry around with you.
➙ Personal comfort - The theory is all very well and good but we all have different preferences. Out bodies are different shapes and size and its impossible to predict what will work for everyone. Experiment and don't be afraid to break the rules to get something comfortable.
Key point when choosing a lumbar support cushion
➙ Experiment try different shapes and size until you are happy.
➙ Have several supports in different places so that you can take care of you lower back at home and at work.
➙ Try a towel for size first - roll a towel up and use that. Try a fatter or a thinner towel ad adjust. Soon you will guide you to the right lumbar support cushion purchase.
Lower back pain relief when sitting is not just about lower back posture
When i discuss this problem with my patients i explain that this type of postural back pain is caused by us exposing our lower back to stresses and strains that after a while it cant cope with. I usually approach the problem by first looking to remove some of the stresses by using a lumbar support but i also want them to think about ways they can make their spine better able to cope with the stresses put upon it.
So here are some other thing to think about if you have back pain when sitting :
➙ Take regular breaks - Get up every hour and move about. Walk around make a coffee, take a short walk. Take the pressure off your back.
➙ Set timers - You will forget to get up, most people do.You get engrossed in job and before you know it 2 hour have gone.
➙ Stretch in the office - Get your spine moving in the opposite direction with an extension stretch - instructions for this lower back pain stretching exercise here.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Straps Braces And Tape : Should I Wear Them ?
Have you had a sore, achy knee throughout you summer training ?
As may people begin their countdowns to heir gold race this fall the question of whether or not brace , strap, or tape will help get them though their race seems to pop up.
In certain cases, a supportive device may be beneficial. It depends on what the diagnosis is, What's causing it how much pain you're in, and how much you are compensating for you current injury. There are a variety of braces, Straps and tape on the market. They each function a little differently and some are more appropriate for specific conditions an dhow supportive device may help.
Before we start talking about braces, It is important to acknowledge that they do not cure an injury, they simply offer support to the involved joints and muscles. If the only thing you are doings to address the discomfort you are experiencing is wearing a brace, you are missing a huge part of the equation towards actually getting rid of you injury.
These band like devices wrap around the bottom of the knee (sometimes above the knee) and apply pressure to the tendon. the major function of them is to help spread pressure across a larger area and take stress off of the sore area of the patella tendon (tendon on the bottom of the knee) When placed above the knee, they function to help reduce stress on the are where the It band tends to get tight and create friction around the knee. Another adder benefit to a strap is its proprioceptive effect on the knee joint.It provides feedback to the brain to help keep the muscles that support the knee on a heightened level of alert.
They conditions that straps are most commonly used for are patellar tendonitis, runner's knee chondromalacia, Patellofemoral pain syndrome and IT band friction syndrome.
They are many different braces on the market. Some are used post operatively to prohibit certain dangerous motions while the patient is recovering. Some braces are used prophylactically to help prevent injury (think of those big knee braces on football linemen) and other are used for support and increased comfort while performing activity.
Sometimes choosing a knee brace can be a little, Overwhelming there are braces with holes in them, no holes, metal hinges gel pads, some with straps and some without.
The two most common are the knee sleeve (no holes) and the patella brace (sleeve with a hole in it) The knee sleeve serves two major purposes. The first is that is provides compression (if it's made of compressive material) This is helpful to manage mild swelling around the knee and keep blood flowing to the muscles that support the knee (quadriceps) It also provides a significant amount of proprioceptive feedback to the brain helping to keep the body at a heightened level of awareness that the knee might need a little extra help.
A compressive knee sleeve is most useful for conditions that might cause a mild amount of swelling around the knee, like a bruised knee or mild arthritis. It can also be used for runner's knee or minor sprains.
The patella brace is often recommended for chondromalacia, patellar hypermobility (loose knee caps) or post surgically for return to activity.
Have you had a sore, achy knee throughout you summer training ?
As may people begin their countdowns to heir gold race this fall the question of whether or not brace , strap, or tape will help get them though their race seems to pop up.
In certain cases, a supportive device may be beneficial. It depends on what the diagnosis is, What's causing it how much pain you're in, and how much you are compensating for you current injury. There are a variety of braces, Straps and tape on the market. They each function a little differently and some are more appropriate for specific conditions an dhow supportive device may help.
Before we start talking about braces, It is important to acknowledge that they do not cure an injury, they simply offer support to the involved joints and muscles. If the only thing you are doings to address the discomfort you are experiencing is wearing a brace, you are missing a huge part of the equation towards actually getting rid of you injury.
These band like devices wrap around the bottom of the knee (sometimes above the knee) and apply pressure to the tendon. the major function of them is to help spread pressure across a larger area and take stress off of the sore area of the patella tendon (tendon on the bottom of the knee) When placed above the knee, they function to help reduce stress on the are where the It band tends to get tight and create friction around the knee. Another adder benefit to a strap is its proprioceptive effect on the knee joint.It provides feedback to the brain to help keep the muscles that support the knee on a heightened level of alert.
They conditions that straps are most commonly used for are patellar tendonitis, runner's knee chondromalacia, Patellofemoral pain syndrome and IT band friction syndrome.
They are many different braces on the market. Some are used post operatively to prohibit certain dangerous motions while the patient is recovering. Some braces are used prophylactically to help prevent injury (think of those big knee braces on football linemen) and other are used for support and increased comfort while performing activity.
Sometimes choosing a knee brace can be a little, Overwhelming there are braces with holes in them, no holes, metal hinges gel pads, some with straps and some without.
The two most common are the knee sleeve (no holes) and the patella brace (sleeve with a hole in it) The knee sleeve serves two major purposes. The first is that is provides compression (if it's made of compressive material) This is helpful to manage mild swelling around the knee and keep blood flowing to the muscles that support the knee (quadriceps) It also provides a significant amount of proprioceptive feedback to the brain helping to keep the body at a heightened level of awareness that the knee might need a little extra help.
The patella brace, or nay knee sleeve with a hole in it. is designed to support the kneecap. Certain conditions will cause the knee cap to track improperly , causing irritation around the knee joint. The hole in the brace will encompass the knee cap and help to keep it on track.
A compressive knee sleeve is most useful for conditions that might cause a mild amount of swelling around the knee, like a bruised knee or mild arthritis. It can also be used for runner's knee or minor sprains.
The patella brace is often recommended for chondromalacia, patellar hypermobility (loose knee caps) or post surgically for return to activity.
If you have been to a road race or watched the olympics the past few years, you are familiar with the brightly colored elastic tape know as kinesiotape (K tape) K tape which is very different from traditional athletic tape, is designed to mimic the elasticity of human.Skin and allow full range of motion while still providing its therapeutic benefits. Originally developed in japan, K tape lift the skin enhancing function of the muscles, joints fascia and iymphatic system. Depending on how it is applied it can act to inhibit overactive muscles, Facilitate contraction of underactive muscles, reduce swelling, provide support or enhance proprioception.
K tape can be used to help treat a wide variety orthopedic conditions. Most commonly, runners will use the tape IT band friction syndrome and runner's knee. The fact that the tape moves naturally with the skin and remains adhesive for a few days though sweat and showers make K tape a popular choice for runners.
As you can see, there are a lot options for supportive device. The advice that i give achy runners as they approach the final weeks of their training is to use them as last resort. Appropriate rest, ice, heat, massage / mobilization, stretching and exercise are the best treatments for a running injury. If all of these steps have been taken and you are still looking for a little something extra to help you cross the finish line then i would recommend trying a strap, brace or tape.
Knee braces are supports be to worn you have pain in your knee. Some people use them to prevent knee injuries during sports. Braces are made from combination of metal, foam, plastics or elastic material and straps. They come in many sizes, colors and designs.
Some doctors will recommend wearing a brace for knee pain. Other doctors don't think its a good idea. They say it may do more harm than good. Scientific research hasn't given a clear answer either. Always check with your doctor to see what will work best for you.
They are different kinds of knee braces. Each one is used for different reasons.
These give support to knees that have been injured in the past. Athletes often wear them after a major injury has healed. They stabilize the knee and control motion to prevent another injury.
These are usually used for a period of weeks right after an injury or surgery. They keep the knee stable but still allow limited movement while it is healing. Some doctors haven't seen a benefit from these braces and no longer recommend them.
They are designed to relieve pain in people who have arthritis in their knees. They shift the weight (unload it) from the damaged are of the knee to a stronger.
These are designed to protect knees from injuries during contact sports such as football. They have become popular among. Research has not proven that they work , but studies are ongoing.
These are not technically braces, but they are the most common type of knee support.
They are designed to provide compression around the knee joint. This helps support the knee, and can control and swelling.
You doctor will tell you if you should get a knee brace. He or she can recommend what kind you should get and where you can get it.Simple knee sleeves and supports are usually available in pharmacies or medical supply stores. Some people order knee braces directly from manufacturers or on the internet. You doctor is a good resource and may know of different places you can get the right brace. He or she can help you choose a brace and get the correct size.
Knee braces should be used as directed by your doctor. When you wear the brace depends on what kind it is and what it's treating. Some are worn all the time. Some are only worn during sports, exercise, or physical activity. You should check the placement braces can do more than good.
Knee braces often get damaged during normal use. You should inspect you brace often for wear and tear. Regular cleaning with soap and water is good for the brace fabric cover any exposed metal so that it doesn't scratch or injure you or someone else.
You need the brace to work properly. If your brace is worn out, you should replace it. More durable materials may cost more, but the brace might last longer.
Companies that make knee brace claim that their products work well. Scientific studies have not completely agree. Some doctors are afraid that knee brace may actually increase the number of knee injuries in athletes. But may people who wear knee feel that they help.
Knee brace are the lest important part of preventing knee injuries or healing after an injury. Good strength and flexibility are much more important. You should focus on stretching the muscles around your knee, Strengthening you leg, and improving you techniques.
Make change in activity intensity or training schedules little by little, o limit knee stress. Work out an exercise plan with you doctor to get the best program for you. Knee braces help some people more that other. You can use one if you feel it's helping you. But don't let a brace become a "crutch"
Researchers are trying to learn more about how well knee braces really work and when it's best to use them. Remember, your doctor should determine whether you need a brace.
Some doctors will recommend wearing a brace for knee pain. Other doctors don't think its a good idea. They say it may do more harm than good. Scientific research hasn't given a clear answer either. Always check with your doctor to see what will work best for you.
They are different kinds of knee braces. Each one is used for different reasons.
These give support to knees that have been injured in the past. Athletes often wear them after a major injury has healed. They stabilize the knee and control motion to prevent another injury.
These are usually used for a period of weeks right after an injury or surgery. They keep the knee stable but still allow limited movement while it is healing. Some doctors haven't seen a benefit from these braces and no longer recommend them.
They are designed to relieve pain in people who have arthritis in their knees. They shift the weight (unload it) from the damaged are of the knee to a stronger.
These are designed to protect knees from injuries during contact sports such as football. They have become popular among. Research has not proven that they work , but studies are ongoing.
These are not technically braces, but they are the most common type of knee support.
They are designed to provide compression around the knee joint. This helps support the knee, and can control and swelling.
You doctor will tell you if you should get a knee brace. He or she can recommend what kind you should get and where you can get it.Simple knee sleeves and supports are usually available in pharmacies or medical supply stores. Some people order knee braces directly from manufacturers or on the internet. You doctor is a good resource and may know of different places you can get the right brace. He or she can help you choose a brace and get the correct size.
Knee braces should be used as directed by your doctor. When you wear the brace depends on what kind it is and what it's treating. Some are worn all the time. Some are only worn during sports, exercise, or physical activity. You should check the placement braces can do more than good.
Knee braces often get damaged during normal use. You should inspect you brace often for wear and tear. Regular cleaning with soap and water is good for the brace fabric cover any exposed metal so that it doesn't scratch or injure you or someone else.
You need the brace to work properly. If your brace is worn out, you should replace it. More durable materials may cost more, but the brace might last longer.
Companies that make knee brace claim that their products work well. Scientific studies have not completely agree. Some doctors are afraid that knee brace may actually increase the number of knee injuries in athletes. But may people who wear knee feel that they help.
Knee brace are the lest important part of preventing knee injuries or healing after an injury. Good strength and flexibility are much more important. You should focus on stretching the muscles around your knee, Strengthening you leg, and improving you techniques.
Make change in activity intensity or training schedules little by little, o limit knee stress. Work out an exercise plan with you doctor to get the best program for you. Knee braces help some people more that other. You can use one if you feel it's helping you. But don't let a brace become a "crutch"
Researchers are trying to learn more about how well knee braces really work and when it's best to use them. Remember, your doctor should determine whether you need a brace.
Monday, 29 May 2017
Warning : Use of this device should never be attempted alone. A consulting individual should assist the treated individual with the proper setup and treatment process. Do not leave treated individual unattended. Verity proper weight prescription and treatment duration before commencing treatment duration before commencing treatment.
Cleaning and storage
→ Detach water bag from traction cord.
→ Empty the water from the water bag.
→ Rinse inside of bag with diluted detergent solution if desired.
→ Allow the bag to fully air dry prior to storage.
→ Store bag flat or rolled. Do not fold.
→ Remove hardware from door. Can be stored fully assembled.
List Item with box
1- over door pulley hardware set ( Over door hook, V-bar, 2 pulleys, Halter holder )
1- 20Ib capacity water bag
1- Traction cord
1- Head Halter
Noted : Prior to assembly verify the package contains the above contents for use, you will also be required to provide a door having a thickness between 1 3/8 - 1 5/8 , a study chair and water sufficient to fill the weight bag to the physician prescribed weight.
1. Place hook over the door, position in the center of the door.
2. Lay the V-Bar on a flat surface and thread the rope though the two pulleys with the head halter holder at the narrow end of the V-Bar and the untied end of the rope toward the open (wide) end of the V-Bar.
3. Attach the V-Bar to the over door hook.
4. Tie the water bag using an appropriate knot.That will hold the weight of the bag, You will need to shorten the rope so that water bag and V-Bar are about neck high when user is seated. Fill that water bag with the appropriate amount of warm water.
It is critical that the water bag be properly tied so that it does not slip when being used. The preferred knot is two half hitches which is pictured above. Test the knot by pulling against the knot after the water bag is tied.
5. The individual should be seated directly below the hanging halter spreader bar. The physician should directly below the hanging halter spreader bar. The physician should determine the type of traction
(flexion vs Extension) required by the over door traction set. This will determine whether to face the door or away from the door. Rest back of head on the shorten portion of the halter with the attached hook and loop straps. Place the chin strap along the bottom front portion of chain.The hook and loop straps will now secure the rear head support to the chin support verify that the halter with adjusted straps is comfortable to the individual.
6. The universal head halter can placed in to the halter spreader bar by hooking the curved portion of the halter can be placed in to the halter spreader bar by hooking the curved portion of the halter ring into one of the spreader notches as is most comfortable. Follow identically with the second ring on the opposite spreader arm.
7. Continue traction treatment for the prescribed time during. Upon completion the consulting individual shall receive the halter pressure by lifting up on the water traction bag detaching the hook and loop straps of the halter. The head can now be fully removed from the halter assembly.
Cleaning and storage
→ Detach water bag from traction cord.
→ Empty the water from the water bag.
→ Rinse inside of bag with diluted detergent solution if desired.
→ Allow the bag to fully air dry prior to storage.
→ Store bag flat or rolled. Do not fold.
→ Remove hardware from door. Can be stored fully assembled.
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Lets face it, crushers suck, but if you are like millions of people every year who find themselves diagnosed with a lower leg injury, you may find yourself required to be non - weight bearing and crutches may just be one of the mobility option suggested.
Maybe you had the misfortune of tearing you Achilles tendon while playing basketball, undergoing surgery for plantar fascistic or simply spraining you ankle when stepping off a curb. Any of these common injuries can be non -weight bearing and can lead to having to learn how to used the most hated device you will ever use underarm crutches.
Lets us help you with the following pointers on how to walk with crutches, and afterwards we will offer you another crutch option that you may not have been aware of.
When learning how to use crutches, it is important to remember that they require balance, dexterity upper body strength and the use of both hands. It will undoubtedly take practice master and we highly recommend you practice in a large open are with event ground as obstacles such as uneven terrain.Or having to navigate in small spaces, Will greatly impede you progress. One you have it down and are walking with crutches.
Lets us help you with the following pointers on how to walk with crutches, and afterwards, we will offer you another crutch option that you may not have been aware of.
When learning how to use crutches. It is important to remember that they require balance,dexterity upper body strength and the use of both hands. It will undoubtedly take practice to master and we highly recommend you practice in a large, Open area with event ground as obstacles such as uneven terrain or having to navigate in small space will greatly impede you progress once you have it down and are walking with crutches you will still be severely limited in you ability to perform daily activities but you will never forget how to used them.
→ Shoes Selection - First make sure that your crutches are adjusted properly for you height. It your height. It is best to decide on one pair of shoes that you will be able to wear during most of your recovery and make the height adjustable to you crutches while wearing them. Wearing differently soled shoes during this time means that you will need to readjust the crutches accordingly
→ Height - Adjustable the height of the crutch so that the top of the crutch is positioned under you arm. but approximately 1.5 - 2 inches below your armpit. Avoid jamming the crutches into your armpits besides being painful this is not how crutches were designed to be used. For optimal performance you weight should be concentrated on you hands and the hand grips. Also avoid letting you shoulders carry any of the weight.This can lead shoulder pain.
→ Grip height - After you get the height correctly adjustable stand naturally and adjust the hand grip to allow for a 15 degree bend in the elbow.
→ While standing on you uninjured foot and holding you injured foot off of the ground, Place both crutch tips on the ground in front of you, slightly more that hip width apart and approximately 12 in chase in front of you good foot. (The longer you legs, the longer your sited )
→ Gripping the hand grips, awing you body forward leaning on your crutches for support.
→ Repeat the process
For optimal performance you weight should be concentrated on your hands and the hand grip. Also avoid letting your shoulders carry any of the weight , this can lead to shoulder pain.
How to correctly size and used a Walker, Rollator or Walking Frame
Three or four- wheeled walkers ( or rollators ) provide more support that walking sticks and are designed for those who :
→ Can walk reasonably well but need extra support over longer distances.
→ Are at risk of falling when walking.
→ Have difficulties with balance, strength, endurance or coordination.
→ Have pain or instability in any weight bearing joint.
→ Need to rest often when walking.
→ Are recovering from an injury.
→ Wish to reduce the walkers are to assistance and support carers need to provide.
Three-wheeled walkers are easy to man oeuvre but are less stable that four- wheeled models ( which have larger base of support ) and are therefore only recommended for relatively stable users. They are generally designed for both indoor and outdoor use and feature either bicycle - style loop hand brakes or push down brakes.
The loop lever hand brakes feature levers that can be squeezed upwards to brake temporarily or pushed down to lock into place. Push down brakes work by pushing down though the handles which then pushers a spring - loaded rubber stopper, (located between the twin castor rear wheels) down into the ground. When is removed from the handles the brakes will spring off. It is important to practice operating the brakes before selecting a walker.
Adjusting the height:
When adjusting the height of a walking frame is important to wear everyday shoes and stand in a natural position with hands resting comfortably to the sides of the body. In this position the walking frame hand grips should sit approximately at wrist crease height. Four- wheeled walkers often come with a seat that is fixed in height so it is important to check that this is appropriate before making a purchase. When sitting on the seat in a comfortable position feet should be resting flat on the ground.
Using a walker / rollator
1. Engage the brakes.
2. Move forward and sit as close to the edge of the chair as you feel comfortable.
3. Keep you feet as far under you as possible. Aim to place your toes directly below the edge of the chair.
4. Place both hands on the arms/ seat of you chair or one hand on the chair and one on the walker. Do not trip the walker by placing too much weight on one side of the walkers as you stand.
5. Lean forward until you feel some of your weight on you feet.
6. Use you legs to stand as much as possible- you arms should only lift what you legs cannot.Use you arms mostly to help keep your balance as your stand.
7. Do not walk forward until you have tested you balance and you feel strong enough to walk.
8. Disengage the brakes.
Preparing to sit down
➙ Stand directly in front of the chair, facing away from it. The back of your legs should be almost touching the chair. Do not start until you are balanced and standing still.
➙ Move the walker a little away from you so that you can bend slightly forward as you sit down.
➙ Engage the brakes.
➙ Reach behind for the chair with both hands (preferred) or with one hand and hand on the walker. Do not tip the walker by placing to much weight one side as you sit.
➙ Slowly lower yourself using you can.
➙ If you ' Plop' into the chair try leaning a little more forward as you sit and bend you knees to lower yourself to the chair.
Walking with a wheeled walker
➭ Place your walker ahead of you take any steps.
➭ Gently roll the walker ahead of you as you walk. Keep the walker close enough to you that it is supportive.
➭ Stay within the base of support, with the frame held at a comfortable position in front of the body.
➭ When turning corners it is important not spin directly on the sport. but to walk in a wide turning circle.
➭ If you steps are uneven, its best to shorten you longer step rather that work to lengthen you shorten step. The shorten step is usually the step where you have less balance.
➭ To turn around stay within the within the width of the walker event if you are slightly behind. Roll the walker around you without twisting you back, You should always be facing the front of the walker.
How to size and use a walking frame (static' hopper' pick-up' frame) Adjusting the height.
➭ Stand with you shoulders relaxed and arms by you side.
➭ The hand grip height should be at the crease of you wrist.
➭ Use the height adjustment button to change the length of each leg of the frame.
➭ Ask one of our consultants or your therapist to demonstrate if you are unsure.
Getting up from a chair
➭ Place the hopper frame centered and in front.
➭ Pull feet back hands on arm rests of your chair.
➭ Lean forward push up from arm rest to stand up.
Using a walking frame
➭ Stand upright with you feet together holding the frame with both hands.
➭ Lift the frame forward a small distance and put it down with all four tips family on the ground.
➭ Step forward with one leg whilst placing you weight though the frame and then bring the other leg alongside.
➭ Do not step too fa forward.Imagine a line between the back two legs of the frame and do not put you heels in front of it.
Three or four- wheeled walkers ( or rollators ) provide more support that walking sticks and are designed for those who :
→ Can walk reasonably well but need extra support over longer distances.
→ Are at risk of falling when walking.
→ Have difficulties with balance, strength, endurance or coordination.
→ Have pain or instability in any weight bearing joint.
→ Need to rest often when walking.
→ Are recovering from an injury.
→ Wish to reduce the walkers are to assistance and support carers need to provide.
Three-wheeled walkers are easy to man oeuvre but are less stable that four- wheeled models ( which have larger base of support ) and are therefore only recommended for relatively stable users. They are generally designed for both indoor and outdoor use and feature either bicycle - style loop hand brakes or push down brakes.
The loop lever hand brakes feature levers that can be squeezed upwards to brake temporarily or pushed down to lock into place. Push down brakes work by pushing down though the handles which then pushers a spring - loaded rubber stopper, (located between the twin castor rear wheels) down into the ground. When is removed from the handles the brakes will spring off. It is important to practice operating the brakes before selecting a walker.
Adjusting the height:
When adjusting the height of a walking frame is important to wear everyday shoes and stand in a natural position with hands resting comfortably to the sides of the body. In this position the walking frame hand grips should sit approximately at wrist crease height. Four- wheeled walkers often come with a seat that is fixed in height so it is important to check that this is appropriate before making a purchase. When sitting on the seat in a comfortable position feet should be resting flat on the ground.
Using a walker / rollator
1. Engage the brakes.
2. Move forward and sit as close to the edge of the chair as you feel comfortable.
3. Keep you feet as far under you as possible. Aim to place your toes directly below the edge of the chair.
4. Place both hands on the arms/ seat of you chair or one hand on the chair and one on the walker. Do not trip the walker by placing too much weight on one side of the walkers as you stand.
5. Lean forward until you feel some of your weight on you feet.
6. Use you legs to stand as much as possible- you arms should only lift what you legs cannot.Use you arms mostly to help keep your balance as your stand.
7. Do not walk forward until you have tested you balance and you feel strong enough to walk.
8. Disengage the brakes.
Preparing to sit down
➙ Stand directly in front of the chair, facing away from it. The back of your legs should be almost touching the chair. Do not start until you are balanced and standing still.
➙ Move the walker a little away from you so that you can bend slightly forward as you sit down.
➙ Engage the brakes.
➙ Reach behind for the chair with both hands (preferred) or with one hand and hand on the walker. Do not tip the walker by placing to much weight one side as you sit.
➙ Slowly lower yourself using you can.
➙ If you ' Plop' into the chair try leaning a little more forward as you sit and bend you knees to lower yourself to the chair.
Walking with a wheeled walker
➭ Place your walker ahead of you take any steps.
➭ Gently roll the walker ahead of you as you walk. Keep the walker close enough to you that it is supportive.
➭ Stay within the base of support, with the frame held at a comfortable position in front of the body.
➭ When turning corners it is important not spin directly on the sport. but to walk in a wide turning circle.
➭ If you steps are uneven, its best to shorten you longer step rather that work to lengthen you shorten step. The shorten step is usually the step where you have less balance.
➭ To turn around stay within the within the width of the walker event if you are slightly behind. Roll the walker around you without twisting you back, You should always be facing the front of the walker.
How to size and use a walking frame (static' hopper' pick-up' frame) Adjusting the height.
➭ Stand with you shoulders relaxed and arms by you side.
➭ The hand grip height should be at the crease of you wrist.
➭ Use the height adjustment button to change the length of each leg of the frame.
➭ Ask one of our consultants or your therapist to demonstrate if you are unsure.
Getting up from a chair
➭ Place the hopper frame centered and in front.
➭ Pull feet back hands on arm rests of your chair.
➭ Lean forward push up from arm rest to stand up.
Using a walking frame
➭ Stand upright with you feet together holding the frame with both hands.
➭ Lift the frame forward a small distance and put it down with all four tips family on the ground.
➭ Step forward with one leg whilst placing you weight though the frame and then bring the other leg alongside.
➭ Do not step too fa forward.Imagine a line between the back two legs of the frame and do not put you heels in front of it.
Friday, 26 May 2017
Breathing can be hard after you had a surgery. You may find that you can only take small, shallow breaths. Berthing this way makes it harder to get air into your lungs and can cause fluid and mucus to build up in your lungs. Using our incentive 3ball spirometer can help you practice taking deep breaths, which can help open your airways prevent fluid or mucus from building up in your lungs, and make it easier for you to breathe and faster recovery of you disease. Our 3ball incentive spirometer is a breathing/ lung exerciser which is a flow- oriented device provides an indirect indicator " BALL " of the patient's inspired volume. It be used to help strengthen respiratory musculature and to help restore and maintain lug capacity by encouraging a slow, deep breathing :
➩ 3ball can help you airways.
➩ Can help you practice taking deep breaths.
➩ Prevent fluid or mucus from building up in you lungs.
➩ And make it easier for you to breathe and faster recover of you diseases.
➸ Read instruction before use.
➸ Do not disassemble and reuse the product between patients it may cause cross contamination.➸ If you fell dizzy or tired stop and rest for a few minutes. This can happen if you breathe too fast.
➸ If you have pain and it is hard to breathe deep, Let you nurse know this. If you start to wheeze tell you nurse or respiratory therapist.
We are often asked what the correct height for a walking stick to be. So we've put together this useful guide below. This explains how to measure for walking stick.
To measure for a walking stick correctly it's best to ask someone to help you. We've detailed the method used by many physiotherapist. If you are unsure then please do consult medical device from your doctor or occupational therapist.
STEP 1 : Measuring the walking stick used.
The walking stick user needs to stand upright in the type of shoes they usually wear. With their arm hanging naturally by their sides. Another person should turn the walking stick upside down. so that the handle of the stick rest on the floor.
STEP 2 : Measuring the walking stick itself.
Position the stick next to the user. Making a small mark on the shaft of the stick level with bump at the bottom of the wrist bone. This will ensure that the user's arm will be slightly bent when they hold the walking stick.
STEP 3 : Adjusting the walking stick to the right height.
Used the small button on the side of the stick to select height that is right for you, and slide the inner shaft up or down to the right length, letting the button release into the correct hole.
Whether you're choosing an adjustable or non- adjustable walking stick, the user's arm should be slightly at the elbow when they hold the handle, and their shoulders should be level.
We are often asked what the correct height for a walking stick to be. So we've put together this useful guide below. This explains how to measure for walking stick.
To measure for a walking stick correctly it's best to ask someone to help you. We've detailed the method used by many physiotherapist. If you are unsure then please do consult medical device from your doctor or occupational therapist.
STEP 1 : Measuring the walking stick used.
The walking stick user needs to stand upright in the type of shoes they usually wear. With their arm hanging naturally by their sides. Another person should turn the walking stick upside down. so that the handle of the stick rest on the floor.
STEP 2 : Measuring the walking stick itself.
Position the stick next to the user. Making a small mark on the shaft of the stick level with bump at the bottom of the wrist bone. This will ensure that the user's arm will be slightly bent when they hold the walking stick.
STEP 3 : Adjusting the walking stick to the right height.
Used the small button on the side of the stick to select height that is right for you, and slide the inner shaft up or down to the right length, letting the button release into the correct hole.
Whether you're choosing an adjustable or non- adjustable walking stick, the user's arm should be slightly at the elbow when they hold the handle, and their shoulders should be level.
Thursday, 25 May 2017
Tekanan Darah Tinggi & Hypertensi
Jantung anda bertugas sebagai alat mengepam dimana ia menguncup dan berehat. Aktiviti ini menghasilkan tekanan yang membawa darah keseluruh badan. Tekanan darah ini berbeza bagi setiap seseorang individu dan bacaanya juga berbeza. Hypertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi adalah penyakit dalam diam yang mengakibatkan banyak komplikasi.
Penyebab hypertensi selalunya tidak diketahui walapun selepas pemeriksaan doctor. Walau bagaimanapun hypertensi boleh disebabkan oleh :
➭ Cara hidup tidak aktif.
➭ Umur melebihi 35 tahun.
➭ Kegemukan.
➭ Paras kolesterol tinggi.
➭ Faktor keturunan & Sejarah keluarga.
➭ Pengambilan garam tinggi.
➭ Amalkan permakanan sihat.
➭ Kurangkan pegambilan garam dan kolestrol.
➭ Melakukan senaman berkala.
➭ Kurangkan berat badan jika berlebihan.
➭ Dapatkan nasihat dari doctor tetnatng kesihatan, permakanan dan aktiviti fizikal yang sesuai.
➭ Jika tekanan darah anda adalah NORMAL dan anda tidak memiliki sebarang penyakit, dan tidak berkutunan yang mengalami darah tinggi anda harus tetap melaksanakan check setiap satu atau dua tahun dan selama kunjungan rutin anda ke doctor.
➭ Jika tekanan darah anda adalah ' TINGGI NORMAL ' & ' ATAU LEBIH TINGGI. Atau jika anda memiliki factor risiko lain yang memerlukan anda berjumpa doctor atau merujuk kepada doctor. Yang terbaik adalah anda harus lebih sering memeriksa tekanan darah tinggi anda dan perlu meminta nasihat daripada doctor.
Kami sediakan tutorial untuk anda supaya boleh menjadi panduan.
Ujian pemeriksaan glucose dalam darah adalah penting bagi pesakit diabetic. Glucose yang terhasil dari penghadaman makanan karbohidrat, menjadi sumber utama tenaga dalam badan.Insulin yang dikeluarkan dari organ pancreas membantu tubuh menggunakan glucose ini bagi menghasilkan tenaga.
Biasanya kandungan glucose dalam badan akan menningkat sedikit selepas makan, lalu menyebabkan pancreas mengeluarkan insulin bagi mengawal kandungan gula. Tahap gula yang tinggi akan merosakan mata, ginjal , saraf dan saluran darah.
Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan dengan mengambil sedikit titisan darah dari hujung jari atau mana-mana bahagian badan dan diletakkan ke atas strip yang disediakan pada mesin glucometer.
Pemeriksaan glucose ketika berpuasa.Ia adalah pemeriksaan yang dijalankan apabila seseorang tidak mengambil apa-apa makanan sekurang-kurangnya 8jam.
pemeriksaan glucose 2jam selepas mula makan.Ia akan menguji keberkesanan pancreas mengeluarkan insulin bagi mengawal gula.
Pemeriksaan gula tanpa berpuasa,Ia aakan menguji keberkesanan pancreas mengeluarkan insulin bagi mengawal gula.
Pemeriksaan gula tanpa berpuasa.Ia adalah ujian rawak bagi mengesan kandungan gula seseorang. Jika bacaanya terlalu tinggi, ia bermakna pesakit mungkin menghadapi masalah diabetes. Namun ia bukan ujina pengesahkan (confirmatory ) untuk mendiagnosa seseorang itu mengalami diabetes.
Pemeriksaan gula bagi membuat diagnosis diabetes dikalangan wanita hamil dan orang biasa. Pesakit diminta untuk minum air gula. Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan sebelum dan selepas minum air gula.
- Sebelum makan
- Selepas 2jam setekah makan
- Sebelum tidur
- Sebelum , semasa dan selepas melakukan riadah
- Ketika mengalami tanda-tanda hypoglycemia ( Kurang glucose )& hyperglycemia ( Lebih glucose )
* Jika kekerapan pemeriksaan darah mungkin dapat dikurangkan dan menjimatkan kos, Jika kita tidak kemampuan untuk menguji 6kali sehari. Cubalah lakukannya 2kali sehari. Catatkan dalam diari dan berbincangkan dengan doctor mengenai bacaan kandungan glucose dalam darah terkawal apabila melakukan rawatan susulan.
Hari ini dah try check kandungan gula dalam darah anda? Normal ke tidak? Yang paling penting kawal permakanan anda ok, Serta dapatkan nasihat daripada doctor. |
MYP 11162195
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Walking With A Quad Cane
follow the step below when you walk with a quad cane.
Hold the quad cane in the hand opposite your injured or weaker leg. Make sure the flat side of the quad cane is closest to you body.
Place all four legs of the quad cane on the ground when you move it forward. You quad can should be about one step length ahead of you. Keep it close to you body for support and balance.
Step forward with you weaker leg.
Support your weight with both the quad cane and your injured leg, Step through with your stronger leg.
Continue to repeat steps 1 through 4.
➱ Do not take step unless your quad cane is firmly on the ground.
➱ Do not place you quad cane too far forward, the quad cane should be directly across from the instep of your weaker foot.
➱ When turning, take small steps and do not pivot, Check your quad cane tips regularly. Replace them when they are worn. You can buy new tips from a drug store or medical supply company.
➱ Be careful when walking on uneven or wet surfaces.
➱ Use good posture when walking.
➱ Check your before stepping.
➱ Walk at a safe pace.
follow the step below when you walk with a quad cane.
Hold the quad cane in the hand opposite your injured or weaker leg. Make sure the flat side of the quad cane is closest to you body.
Place all four legs of the quad cane on the ground when you move it forward. You quad can should be about one step length ahead of you. Keep it close to you body for support and balance.
Step forward with you weaker leg.
Support your weight with both the quad cane and your injured leg, Step through with your stronger leg.
Continue to repeat steps 1 through 4.
➱ Do not take step unless your quad cane is firmly on the ground.
➱ Do not place you quad cane too far forward, the quad cane should be directly across from the instep of your weaker foot.
➱ When turning, take small steps and do not pivot, Check your quad cane tips regularly. Replace them when they are worn. You can buy new tips from a drug store or medical supply company.
➱ Be careful when walking on uneven or wet surfaces.
➱ Use good posture when walking.
➱ Check your before stepping.
➱ Walk at a safe pace.
Siapa kata untuk memilih kerusi roda adalah satu perkara yang mudah ?
Kerusi roda ada beza dari segi rasa menggunakannya, muat ke tidak, selesa ke tidak, serta apa fungsi yang boelh digunakan. Adakah sekadar duduk dan boleh ditolak sudah memadai ?
Bayak faktor yang kita boleh lihat semasa memilih kerusi roda :
➨ Faktor Umur - Kanak kanak, dewasa , warga emas.
➨ Saiz Badan - Samada kurus sangat atau besar sangat.
➨ Destinasi - Maksutnya disini ada yang menggunakan kerusi roda bukan untuk semua perkara. Mungkin tidak boleh berdiri terlalu lama atau berjalan terlalu banyak.
Contohnya : Macam mengambil botol diatas para tiada masalah, cuma kalau berjalan atau berdiri terlalu lama sahaja kurang larat pada kaki.
➨ Keadaan Nak Guna - Ada yang memang guna untuk dirumah sahaja, Memang tiada masalah untuk ini. Kalau yang untuk bawa travel, fungsi- fungsi lain perlu ambil kira. Seperti kerusi roda yang ringan dan tidak besar sangat serta boleh dilipat. (7kg siap ada beg )
➨ Sekiranya ada perlukan kerusi yang boleh dimandikan sekali. Kalau perlu untuk seat kerusi roda tersebut anda hanya boleh dapatkan yang plastic PVC sahaja.
Dibawah saya senarikan apa ciri-ciri yang ada perlu perhatikan semasa membeli kerusi roda :
# kenapa perlunya semua ini ? penting kepada si penolaknya, jadi takut-takut tak berapa rajin untuk tolak setiap masa. Nanti terbedosa pulak kalau tiba-tiba rasa berkira. Jadi lebih baik kita buatkan kondisi kerusi roda itu lebih baik dan keadaan sekeliling pun mesra kerusi roda. Bolehlah orang yang menaikinya itu boleh berdikari sendiri dengan mudah. Jadi perlu ambil tahu jenis- jenis kerusi roda adalah option yang terbaik.
Siapa kata untuk memilih kerusi roda adalah satu perkara yang mudah ?
Kerusi roda ada beza dari segi rasa menggunakannya, muat ke tidak, selesa ke tidak, serta apa fungsi yang boelh digunakan. Adakah sekadar duduk dan boleh ditolak sudah memadai ?
Bayak faktor yang kita boleh lihat semasa memilih kerusi roda :
➨ Faktor Umur - Kanak kanak, dewasa , warga emas.
➨ Saiz Badan - Samada kurus sangat atau besar sangat.
➨ Destinasi - Maksutnya disini ada yang menggunakan kerusi roda bukan untuk semua perkara. Mungkin tidak boleh berdiri terlalu lama atau berjalan terlalu banyak.
Contohnya : Macam mengambil botol diatas para tiada masalah, cuma kalau berjalan atau berdiri terlalu lama sahaja kurang larat pada kaki.
➨ Keadaan Nak Guna - Ada yang memang guna untuk dirumah sahaja, Memang tiada masalah untuk ini. Kalau yang untuk bawa travel, fungsi- fungsi lain perlu ambil kira. Seperti kerusi roda yang ringan dan tidak besar sangat serta boleh dilipat. (7kg siap ada beg )
➨ Sekiranya ada perlukan kerusi yang boleh dimandikan sekali. Kalau perlu untuk seat kerusi roda tersebut anda hanya boleh dapatkan yang plastic PVC sahaja.
Dibawah saya senarikan apa ciri-ciri yang ada perlu perhatikan semasa membeli kerusi roda :
# kenapa perlunya semua ini ? penting kepada si penolaknya, jadi takut-takut tak berapa rajin untuk tolak setiap masa. Nanti terbedosa pulak kalau tiba-tiba rasa berkira. Jadi lebih baik kita buatkan kondisi kerusi roda itu lebih baik dan keadaan sekeliling pun mesra kerusi roda. Bolehlah orang yang menaikinya itu boleh berdikari sendiri dengan mudah. Jadi perlu ambil tahu jenis- jenis kerusi roda adalah option yang terbaik.
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Commodes are used when it is difficult to travel to the toilet or for support over the toilet or for support over the toilet. Commodes may come with or without wheels.
How do i install commode?
- If the commode is adjustable, adjust the commode to a height appropriate for you size. The commode should be low enough to enable easier sitting and standing.
To adjustable the height of the legs :
- Depress the spring button on one leg and leg and lengthen or shorten the leg piece to the desired position.
- Ensure that the spring button is fully engaged in the adjustable hole and the leg does not move.
- Adjust the other three legs to the same length and make sure that the commode sits level.
- Ensure that the spring buttons are fully engaged in the adjustable holder.
How do i use the commode?
- Check to ensure the commode is level and stable before sitting.
- The commode seat must be down before sitting on the commode.
- If using a wheeled commode, ensure that the brakes are fully locked before use.
How down
- Back up to the commode until you feel the back of your legs touching it.
- Reach back for the armrest. place both hands firmly on the armrest before sitting on the commode.
- Slowly lower yourself into the commode by bending you elbows and, if possible you hips and knees.
Standing up
- Pushing against the armrest, slowly raise yourself from the commode. Bend at the knees if possible.
Over the toilet
- Some commodes can be used over the toilet if the pain is removed.
- Remove pail from commode. The pail is removed.
- Replace with splash guard if available.
- Lift lid toilet., Position commode over toilet with splash guard in bowl.
- Ensure brakes are engaged on wheeled commode. And the commode us stable before setting .
How do i care for the commode?
Keeping some water in the bottom og the pail make emptying and cleaning the pail easier.
Bukan mudah untuk mencari keperluan bagi seorang pesakit (patients). Untuk memudahkan lagi pergerakan serta pengurusan patients menyediakan kelengkapan yang secukupnya.
Kerusi roda ada yang pelbagai jenis. Ada yang boleh kita dapatkan di hospital atau famasi.
Apa benda pulak commode ini? kebiasaanya kedaan pesakit agak sukar untuk berjalan ke bilik air. Dengan adanya commode pesakit tidak perlu lagi ke bilik air untuk membuang air kerana dibawah commode telah tersedia baldi untuk mengisi najis pesakit. Penjaga hanya perlu membersihkannya semula selepas pesakit mengunakannya.
Adalah tilam khas yang kebiasannya digunakan di hospital bagi memberikan keleseaan kepada pesakit untuk tidur dengan nyenyak dan direka khas berbentuk timbul lembut dan diisi angin. Tilam fungsi nya seperti mengurut badan pesakit. Selain itu ia juga dapat mengurangkan terjadinya KUDIS TEKANAN.
Katil Hospital yang mempunyai 3 fungsi adalah yang paling sesuai. Ia bergantung kepada kewangan anda juga. Selain 3 fungsi , ada juga 2 fungsi serta 1 fungsi. Kerana Katil Hospital mempunyai ciri yang paling penting seperti menaikkan kepala, kaki pesakit. Ainya mampu memberikan keselesaan kepada penjaga seperti menyuap makanan ataupun mengelap badan pesakit.
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